PMP Deck Mud
Deck Mud is a dry, factory blended mortar masonry contractors. The product is a preblended mix of washed plaster sand and Type II/V cement. Preblending allows the cement to thoroughly coat stronger than jobsite mix. The mortar and most water based latex adhesives. Standard mix design is 4:1 by weight. Special mix designs available. Uses: PMP Deck Mud is a leveling mortar underlayment for all Advantages: • • • Packaging: Available in 75 lb. paper bags
Technical Data: PMP Deck Mud conforms to the volume CBC Table 2103.2.3, CBC Table 2103A.2.3, and L.A. City approval RR24968. Coverage: Each 75 lb. bag will yield approximately 9.6 Sq Ft at 1 inch thickness
Application - Mix PMP Deck Mud with only enough clean, potable water to form a ball when compacted in your hands. Compact and adhesives. Do not try to accelerate cure with fans. Bonding mortar should be tested for suitability with PMP Deck Mud.
Do not use • Do not apply when temperature is below or may fall below 40˚F prior to curing. • Do not overwater or overmix. • • Consult manufacturer prior to using epoxy bonding mortars.
Warranty: components of the manufacturing process. CAUTION: Avoid direct contact where possible and wash exposed skin areas promptly. If any material gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention.
See safety data sheet
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