BEE White Polishing Pads for all types of stone
If you're not using the latest technology in polishing pads - designed specifically for white materials - then you could be making a costly and time-consuming mistake. That's why we only offer...
Thick Felt Wheel
8 x Thicker than most! Comes attached to 5/8 - 11 Backer! With an ideal balance of hardness and softness, this Felt Wheel can be used to polish granite, marble...
Velcro Backer Pads
We make it simple. - Select your size. - Select the level of flexibility Hook and Loop (Velcro) Backing 5/8-11 Female Metal Threads Great for sanders, grinders, and power tools...
Velcro Backer Pads By Alpha
Flexible Backer Pads The Alpha® Flexible Backer Pads were developed as a part of the wet polishing system that Alpha® introduced to the North American markets. This wet polishing system...